Below you will find a list of the buttons in the Lead Grid and an explanation of each:
View create lead- allows you to open up the lead form
Reply via email- opens up the lead in the email screen to reply to an email
View Contact History- Opens the lead and automatically scrolls to the conversation history
View email correspondence- Opens the lead and automatically scrolls to the conversation history
Lead is unassigned- clicking opens a box where you can assign the lead and set a reminder
Lead is assigned- hovering shows who it is assigned to, clicking opens a box where you can assign the lead and set a reminder
Lead has a reminder set- hovering shows who it is assigned to and date/time of the reminder, clicking opens a box where you can assign the lead and set a reminder
Lead requires attention, clicking on it will toggle it off
Lead doesn’t require attention, clicking on it will toggle it on
CRM contact- clicking on it will show the CRM contact information
Delete Lead- allows you to delete the lead