Account Settings > Temporary Hours of Routing
Note: Only users with Administrative permissions can make changes to hours of routing.
Temporary hours should be used for specific single day events, like closing the office for an all employee meetings, or to modify hours for a short period of time (closing early for 3 days). Changes are submitted for individual dates, and only one Open/Close period can be entered per date. This means that if the office is closing temporarily during the day (for example during an all-employee meeting), it is required that the hours of routing are readjusted once the meeting is over in order to begin receiving calls again. Changes to temporary hours of routing will not impact any existing market level hours of routing overrides. Email notifications can be sent to specific email addresses when a temporary hours of routing change is entered into the calendar. Please contact the Customer Success Manager department to enable this.
Temporary changes to hours of routing can be configured to a specific market, or you can choose to use your default account market. Select a specific market from the drop down menu at the top of the page.
To create temporary hours of routing changes, click on the specific date being updated within the calendar.
A window will pop up with date header.
- Use Default Times — Selecting this radio button will set the hours of routing to match the default permanent hours that is maintained by Technical Support.
- Provide Custom Times — Selecting this radio button will set temporary hours for the day based on the times entered in the boxes below (your time zone).
- Closed All Day — Selecting this radio button will disable calls routing to agents for the entire calendar day.
After making the selection, clicking the Save button will complete the update.