Account Settings > Permanent Hours of Routing
Note: Only users with Administrative permissions can make changes to hours of routing.
Permanent hours of routing can now be set within the Reservation Sales tool, at both the account and market levels. Changes to permanent hours of routing are recommended when your standard opening or closing times are changing for an extended period of time.
Select whether you are modifying the account level hours (Account Default) or choose one of the individual markets, and press the Edit Hours button. You can set the opening and closing hours for each day of the week, or indicate that the office will be open or closed for the entire day (24 hours).
After selecting whether to modify the account or market level hours, all changes must be saved or canceled before being able to select another market to modify.
Please note when determining hours for the office, the system looks at the settings in the following order:
- Temporary Market hours
- Permanent market hours
- Temporary account hours
- Permanent account hours