Account Settings > Templates > Email > Templates
This article outlines the process to add/create a brand new email template. For information on customizing/duplicating existing HTML templates see the article titled: Customizing Basic HTML Email Templates in the Reservation Sales Suite.
1. Navigate to Email Templates: Account Settings > Templates > Email > Templates
2. From within the Email Templates window, select the Green Plus icon to create a new email template.
3. Enter a name for your template.
4. Design the template
5. Click Save
Note: You can Add Tokens (Insert Tokens), Images (Insert File) and Hyperlinks (globe with chain-link icon) to your email template by using the three highlighted links at the top. You can also view and edit the HTML code by clicking the HTML button at the bottom of the page.
Note: To insert an image you must first be uploaded to the Image Library. See the article titled Image Library for more information on how to do this.