On certain languages, such as German, Spanish or Portuguese, greetings vary according to the gender of the person you are addressing.
For example:
Spanish male: "Estimado"
Spanish female: "Estimada"
Revinate's dynamic content allows you to customize the greetings in your emails according to gender and language. In other words, you can create your message and include merge tags that will be replaced by different information according to the recipient.
Note: Merge tags will appear blank if there is no information about a particular guest on the PMS. Example: PMS has information about a guest, but his or her gender information is missing.
To use dynamic content, take the following steps:
1. Make sure the information you want the merge tags to replace it in your PMS:
2. On the 'Campaign Builder', write the content of the default version of your email. This version will be sent in case there is no PMS information for the merge tags used.
3. After saving the default version, write the content of the first 'variation' of your email. You can start, for example, writing the version for female recipients.
4. After writing your email, hover the mouse over the text box and click on the 'Module Version' icon
5. The 'Module Version' window will appear on the right side of your screen. Click on the plus icon (+) to save the current version as your first variant.
6. Choose a name (no spaces), for example, "greetings_female"
7. Chose a condition, in this case, "Gender"
8. Select the value for the condition, in this case, "Female"
9. Click 'Add'
10. To create a new variant, edit the text and repeat this process from step 3. When you send your campaign, guests will receive the appropriate greeting according to their gender.