Why Don't I See the Survey "Email Statistics" Report?
If you are using Revinate Surveys and don't see the Email Statistics page under your 'Surveys' panel in the navigation bar, this is usually because your account is using a third party other than Revinate to send out your Survey emails.
If you are sending your Survey Emails through a provider other than Revinate, we will not be able to report your Sent, Delivered, Opened, and other statistics, since only the sending application will have that information. However, your Surveys will still be displayed in Revinate as usual.
Why are there two different dates on my weekly GS2 report?
The review response tab shows review report for 3 periods previous to your selected date range. There is a section for Two weeks ago, Last month, and the year to date. This gives you a broad look at your review responses over time.
This is because once a response is submitted to the review site, the response needs to be reviewed and approved by the site before it is published – this sometimes takes multiple days. Once the response is published, Revinate needs up to 24-48 hours to capture the response. Due to the response cycle, a given response may likely take more than one week to be captured in Revinate. It’s typically unlikely that all responses were submitted, published by the review site and captured by Revinate in the same exact week of that current week’s report.
Why Did I not Recieve the Guest Feedback Report
After requesting a report from within the Guest Feedback platform, if you do not see this report showing within your inbox, it could be a whitelisting issue.
Revinate is SPF (Sender Policy Framework) compliant, allowing the owner of an Internet domain to specify which computers are authorized to send mail with sender addresses in that domain.
Since Revinate sends multiple emails and invites to your company via our automated system, sometimes emails coming from @revinate.com can be mistaken for spam. To avoid any issues, we would ask that your IT Team 'whitelist' (allow) the domain 'revinate.com'. This way all emails being sent from Revinate make it through to your inbox.
What Does a TripAdvisor Popularity Index of 0% Mean?
When viewing some of your reporting and reviewing your TripAdvisor popularity index, you might see a 0%. This will occur when your property is ranked #1 out of a market of 1 hotel. To get a percentage for the TripAdvisor Popularity Index, the calculation uses your TripAdvisor rank and the number of hotels in your market according to TripAdvisor [1 - Property Rank/Market Size].
Please note that if your property is also the lowest ranking within your TripAdvisor market, this can also result in a 0% (ex. your property is ranked #2 of 2 hotels in Las Vegas, the calculation would be 1-2/2=0).
You will find the TripAdvisor popularity index percentile metric in the following Reputation reports:
- Custom reports
- Corporate Property-Ranking Report
- GS2 Reports (both corporate and property level) - the TripAdvisor popularity percentile can be found on the first page of the property level GS2 report in the property and competitive overview tables. Corporate GS2, you will see this on the 5th tab under ‘Property Details’ on the very far right, under ‘percentile’